well, let me just start out by saying there is a difference between expressing yourself and being a bitch. what i said to jeremy was between jeremy and i, and frankly was none of your business. i dont appreciate the fact that i told him i was done with you and you send me this long and very rude message. you throw in phrases like "so how about that for rude" and "how about that for a double standard" which are just provacative and honestly quite bitchy sounding. i understand your need to "express yourself" but at least learn the proper way to do so. now, ive kept my mouth shut with things i have wanted to say to you because i had a feeling id snap at you, and out of respect for jeremy. apparently though, being his sister and family means nothing to you because youve continually talked like this to me and my family. im tired of hearing excuses about how "she doesnt realize she's doing it" and "im just blunt," no youre just rude. there are many blunt people i know that still can talk to someone without sounding the way you do. like i said before, there are ways of expressing yourself and saying how you feel without being disrespectful.
Yes, i agree i could have helped more, but after i helped you clean the entire house and jeremy just sat there i was annoyed. then when you cleaned it again you once again allowed him to just sit on his computer but you complained about me not helping. before we moved in you constantly complained about jeremy and then after you complained about us. we did pick up the living room and bathroom. i did a few times when i first moved in but i stopped because you guys would let logan trash it and not pick it up. paulie did the same thing with the bathroom. he cleaned it and you guys, the very next day, had your dirty clothes all over the bathroom. and im sorry but there were many times when you were unemployed that you didnt clean up. i was there. jeremy and you fought about it cause he didnt understand why you didnt pick up. but paulie, on the other hand, did pick up after us. he isnt your guys maid though and you shouldnt expect him to pick up after everyone. and we didnt get mad when you asked us to pick up, it was HOW you asked. you werent "blunt" you were rude.
dont even mention me yelling about the food. you are the last one to talk stephanie. ive personally heard you yell about your food being gone; cereal, graham crackers, granola bars, etc. i mean you went as far as to not buy foods like cake or whaever because you didnt get enough of them. and about the wic stuff. wow. to quote you "i could be a real bitch and not let anyone eat this stuff because technically its all supposed to be for me." you guys never even bothered to ask me about the wic stuff, you went to paulie and said it should be for everyone and i didnt say anything about it. i figured it would be for everyone.
you didnt even tell jeremy what you were saying to his family. he had no idea that aunt missy was even mad. im sorry i thought he deserved to know why everyone didnt want him around. maybe i didnt tell him the whole thing, i just told him what the person was mad about. but no matter how much i was annoyed or irritated with you, i never went and blocked you. you know, if you didnt say things like you do there would be no need to hide your page from people. and its not wrong thinking for me to assume you would block me from the baby's pictures seeing as how that was the only album blocked. i could see all the pictures but those of him. so if you blocked me so long ago why would those be included?
as far as talking to you about rent, i talked to jeremy. why would i talk to you? you were bitchy and rude because you didnt want us there. and everyone knew it. we knew it by the way you talked to us and the looks you gave. and i know youre going to try and say you didnt but you did. and it doesnt matter who talks to you about it as long as someone does, whether i talk to jeremy or paulie talks to you. and im sorry but you guys lectured me on buying a five dollar pizza when we were complaining about money but you guys started complaining and then i dont know how many times i saw fast food wrappers and bags and all the makeup and just crap you would buy from work. i know you get a discount but still, if youre really hurting you wouldnt be doing that. it was really hard when there was no food in the house and you guys would go get fast food instead of going to the store, leaving us nothing to eat.
like im to the point now where i dont want to be around jeremy. i cant talk to him without getting some rude offensive message from you? oh and i heard what you told kim about us. how we left you a huge mess and you didnt know how we could live in there. THERE WERE ROACHES ALL OVER THE APT. IVE SEEN YOU SLEEPING ON THE COUCH AND HAVE ROACHES CRAWL ACROSS YOU! YOUR OWN MOM DOESNT LIKE YOU COMING OVER CAUSE YOU LEAVE A MESS.
I guess I was just taught differently in the aspect that you don't involve others in aiding in resolving your problems. That going to the source of what is causing it and fixing the issue right from there will resolve things much faster without all the excess drama. Well not in this case. Cause they don't see it that way. It is so irritating and stressful to have situations just getting dragged on. Especially when the people bringing it up constantly weren't even involved in the first place.